Doing Further Study

Here is my advice for clergy (and others) who are considering doing further academic study.

The Most Remembered Clergy

I asked: “Think back to the best vicar/minister/priest you’ve ever known. What was it about them that made then stand out?” Here are the responses. It’s fascinating what people didn’t say.

All Are Called – Part 5

Might God be calling you? Do you want to promote vocations? Are you looking for a fresh course to inspire your church?

These five short videos and study material are made for you.

All Are Called – Part 4

Might God be calling you? Do you want to promote vocations? Are you looking for a fresh course to inspire your church?

These five short videos and study material are made for you.

All Are Called – Part 3

Might God be calling you? Do you want to promote vocations? Are you looking for a fresh course to inspire your church?

These five short videos and study material are made for you.

All Are Called – Part 2

Might God be calling you? Do you want to promote vocations? Are you looking for a fresh course to inspire your church?

These five short videos and study material are made for you.

All Are Called – Part 1

Might God be calling you? Do you want to promote vocations? Are you looking for a fresh course to inspire your church?

These five short videos and study material are made for you.

Effort and Ability

Why am I trying to be a bit smarter in the way I work? And why am I hoping to be somewhat lazier, too?

Growing Youth Work

During my ten years as a parish priest on the Essex-Suffolk border, we grew our youth work tenfold. In this video, I talk about how that happened. In particular, I explain the ten key things we did.

Are you a Multiplier or a Diminisher?

I found this book on leadership by Liz Wiseman completely eye-opening. Multipliers make other people smarter and get the best out of their teams. Diminishers drain the competence and energy from everyone around them. But which are you?

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